ICIPS Institute for Continuous Improvement
in Public Services

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FREE self-serve continuous improvement assessment launched

We are offering any organisation one free assessment a year, with the added benefit of being able to track results year on year through their own secure portal.

We are delighted to launch the self-serve version of our maturity assessment. We are offering any organisation one free assessment a year, with the added benefit of being able to track results year on year through their own secure portal. The survey is done anonymously online.
Many organisations have already benefited from using the assessment and we are starting to generate some valuable benchmarking data.
To date, the average level of maturity amongst those who complete the survey for the first time is 3.2 out of a possible score of 7. We have found that this result is similar whether a public or private sector organisation. We haven’t had any voluntary sector organisations participate so far.
As well as an overall score, the assessment gives scores for each are of activity that underpins a culture of continuous improvement. We have found that the largest areas for improvement have been communications and information management with an average score of just 2.5 out of 7. The category of leadership and management has had the highest variation in score, results ranging from 3 to 5.5, with management teams rating their involvement in CI higher than their employees.
The richest results have been gained where data stratification has been considered and the results show differences between sub-groups. These groups can be set using the self-serve facility, with participants choosing the group they belong to from a pick list.
We have seen that time invested in sharing information about the survey, has resulted in considerably more participation. One organisation achieved 85% response rate, giving a far higher level of certainty that the results reflected the views of the wider organisation.
The free report that is produced provides data and employee comments, providing sufficient information from which to organise an action planning workshop. Additional data can be produced by ICIPS for a small fee.
ICIPS will be accessing the data to enable benchmarking between different types of organisation; insight which will be freely shared. Details of organisations will never be revealed.
The survey can be accessed from our web site home page or contact us at info@icips.org.

ICiPS MAT Survey Tool

A FREE and essential tool for any organisation who is serious about continuous improvement.