ICIPS Institute for Continuous Improvement
in Public Services

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ICiPS annual award

Our annual awards recognise the efforts of those working to embed continuous improvement in public services. Any organisation delivering public services may apply.

In judging the awards we are not looking for financial savings, but evidence of achieving success in embedding CI in the culture of the organisation.

Achievements can be demonstrated through one or more lenses; Innovation, Collaboration and Education.

We also have a category called ‘Citizen Improver’. This award is for members of the public who have recognised an opportunity to improve and taken steps to turn their idea into a reality.

Applications close the last Friday in December and awards are made at the awards ceremony which takes place the evening before our annual conference.

For an application or for more details, please contact info@icips.org.

ICiPS MAT Survey Tool

A FREE and essential tool for any organisation who is serious about continuous improvement.