Are your leaders ready to meet Governments productivity challenge?
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Please help by taking our quick online survey
The ICIPS thinktank acts as a conduit between the community, services providers, and policy makers, to build a body of knowledge that enables barriers to co-designed and person-centred services to be overcome.
We pursue this through sharing of knowledge, community listening, deliberative dialogue, research and analysis.;
Our goal is to enable public service providers to act as one, to overcome barriers and share experience, in order to co-design services that place user needs at their heart.
ICIPS members regularly tell us about matters which prevent them embedding a culture of continuous improvement (CI); each represents a lost opportunity to improve delivery of public services. So how can we ensure public services meet societal needs now and in the future?
Whilst ICIPS can't influence funding of public services, we can use our influence to ensure continuous improvement is the norm, ensuring public services are effective and efficient.
We want to see services co-designed with users, private and third sector organisations. We want to see 'One Public Service' with boundaries broken down. We want to see lessons effectively learned and automatic sharing of knowledge across providers. We want better mechanisms to identify ineffective use of public money.
We recognise that leaders of organisations who provide public services have a wealth of knowledge and ideas; many share our vision and have an appetite to do more to bring about change.
We have established the ICIPS Think Tank: a change-oriented community of leaders and free thinkers, to come together to shape a better future for all. If you are interested in being a part of this change, please email contact us.