ICIPS Institute for Continuous Improvement
in Public Services

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CI Consultants and
Training Providers

The Directory of continuous improvement experts, provides details of individuals, consultancies and training providers.

Those who have been through an ICIPS quality assurance process will display the relevant ICIPS badge:


Consultants who are Fellows of ICIPS have demonstrated that they meet our highest level of knowledge and practice.


Consultancies who have been awarded ICIPS Gold status, have fully embedded continuous improvement in the way they work. They also have at least one Fellow member of ICIPS in their team.

Training providers

ICIPS Recognised Training Providers have been through rigorous assessment to ensure they deliver high quality learning outcomes. Many courses align with ICIPS standards of professional practice to provide delegates with automatic entry as an ICIPS professional.



ICiPS MAT Survey Tool

A FREE and essential tool for any organisation who is serious about continuous improvement.