ICIPS Institute for Continuous Improvement
in Public Services

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ICiPS in a nutshell

Our story- Founded 2012 by philanthropist Debbie Simpson as the official legacy body for the work of an Efficiency and Reform Group program to embed CI. The mission was to develop a community; share knowledge; undertake research and embed standards of practice. The rest is history.

Our ethos- ICiPS work is driven by a desire to improve public services for the benefit of all, and the belief that CI competencies should be recognised in the same light as other professions.

Our Governance- Run almost entirely by volunteers, ICiPS is governed by a Board of Trustees and informed by the Customer Focus Group.

Our members- From all sectors worldwide, ICiPS has guest, professional, corporate and studying members.

Our partners- The institute works closely with universities and industry specialists.

Our standards of practice- Individuals who meet ICiPS standards become ‘Professionals’. Training courses that meet ICiPS standards become ‘Recognised’.

Our ambition- To be at the forefront of CI thinking; the primary knowledge exchange for CI; and to uphold standards of practice.

If you are interested in finding out more, or would like to be involved, please contact us.

ICiPS MAT Survey Tool

A FREE and essential tool for any organisation who is serious about continuous improvement.