ICIPS Institute for Continuous Improvement
in Public Services

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CI Maturity Assessment

A FREE and essential tool for any organisation who is serious about continuous improvement

We offer every organisation one free maturity assessment a year and the ability to compare your scores year on year to track improvement.

What is the maturity assessment?

An on-line questionnaire showing how well embedded continuous improvement (CI) is, within your organisation.

How many employees should participate?

The more participants, the more you can be confident that the results are representative of the entire organisation. The proportion of respondents from each team will influence the outcomes you are seeing.

What will the report show?

An overall score and category scores which allow you to pinpoint areas of activity that require improvement in order to have a culture of CI. Scores can be broken down by subgroups to compare activity across the organisation. Comments are listed to provide further insight.

Are my results secure?

Yes. Results are stored in your own area; participants are anonymous and only your nominated employees can see the results.

Who has access to our data?

Apart from your named individuals, ICiPS is the only organisation with access to the data. ICiPS will use a data set comprising the combined scores of all participants, to provide free benchmarking data. At no time will the scores of individual organisations be revealed.

Where do I start?

  1. Appoint organisation leads, this is important for year on year continuity.
  2. Decide which sub-groups you wish to report by; team, department etc.
  3. Inform participants why the survey is being done and how you will cascade the results.
  4. Register on-line and set up your survey.
  5. Share the hyperlink.
  6. Close the survey when ready and produce your report.
  7. Use the findings as a basis for an action planning workshop.
  8. Repeat the following year.

Further help

For more guidance contact info@icips.org