ICIPS Institute for Continuous Improvement
in Public Services

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What do you mean by CI?

Our umbrella of CI includes all the elements we consider to be critical to implement sustainable CI: Leadership, communications, customer and employee engagement, organisational intelligence, innovation, tools and techniques, project management, culture, strategic planning, knowledge transfer. These are woven through our standards, our CI development path and assessment frameworks.

What’s in it for me?

We offer paying members resources, advice, free and discounted events , a professional development path and the opportunity to join a number of free development activities. As ICiPS grows, so will the member benefits. You will find more on our membership page.

I already have lean qualifications do I need to do more?

Yes, lean is only one of many element that make up our standards but you may be able to claim exemption from some elements. Please contact us to discuss.

Do I pay to attend any of the events?

Events provided by the Institute are free to Members, we may advertise other events on our calendar but where there is a charge we will indicate this. We endeavour to negotiate Member discounts on all external events.

You say that Members get 5 free queries a year – what can these be about?

We can offer advice and guidance on any CI issue whether you want us to pass a critical eye over a report, analyse some data for you or simply discuss a piece of work and next steps.

What is the LinkedIn group for?

It is an on line network so you have 24 hour access to like minded individuals who can respond to queries, offer advice or simply debate a topic of interest

With the development opportunities can I specify which organisation I go to?

You can and we would do our best to broker an opportunity for you, we would always offer you one of the existing opportunities which may provide you with the experience you are hoping for.

How many days are development opportunities for?

Up to 3 days.

What experience do I need to be a mentor?

We look for at least a years experience to be able to offer guidance to someone who is just starting on their CI journey, other than that we would match your skills and experience to the needs of the mentee.

Can I join as a Practitioner straight away?

Yes, as long as you can meet the criteria.

When can I use the letters after my name?

After you have received official notification from the ICiPS.

Why should I become a professional member if I already have other qualifications?

Being a professional member of ICiPS means that no matter where or how an individual gained their experience and knowledge, there can be a common understanding of what that means in terms of competence. Our framework should be considered as a self development pathway for those serious about their careers in CI.

We deliver our own in house training, can that count towards membership?

Our key aim is to protect standards so we only offer automatic exemption from courses which ICiPS has approved. Please contact us for more details.

Who sets the standards?

The standards were devised in consultation with public sector and academia, they are owned by ICiPS Board. They are subject to a bi-annual review to ensure they remain relevant and reflect emerging practice; we invite all members to take part.

How long will it take to become a professional member?

We require you to provide a portfolio of evidence drawn from your work experience. We ask for quality not quantity so you may find that you can achieve this in a relatively short period of time.

I do not work in the public sector so can I join?

You can work towards our standards and have letters after your name. You will be invited to join in our research and attend an annual conference however at the present time you wouldn’t be able to access our resources or attend our networks which are restricted to public sector members.

Can we showcase our work on your site?

You can, our core purpose is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experience and fly the flag for the CI work that is happening across the public sector. We are therefore happy to receive any case studies, tools or news stories.

Can we use your site to hold our teams’ tools?

You can but we they would be accessible by all other members unless you pay to have a secure area.

Can we reproduce the tools?

The resources on our site are provided by a range of organisations, where known restrictions apply this will be stated. If you wish to reproduce resources it is suggested that you ask the owners permission first. ICiPS tools can be reproduced without permission.

Can we join our entire organisation?

You can but we wouldn’t recommend it. Individuals who have an interest in CI can join as a guest at no cost. We suggest paying members are those more actively engaged in delivery of CI at operational or strategic level.

Can I pay my membership fees monthly?

No, fees are paid annually.

Can I pay my membership fees by credit card?

Not at present as bank charges are prohibitive and the majority of our customers pay with a purchase order / BACS

Is my membership renewed automatically?

You may be asked to provide evidence of professional development prior to your membership being renewed.

Can we transfer names covered under our corporate membership?

Yes, you pay for a number of users not named users.

Other questions?

If you cant find what you are looking for, please contact us.

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