ICIPS Institute for Continuous Improvement
in Public Services

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Professional Membership

ICiPS standard of professional practice were developed by a collaborative of practitioners and academia. The aim of the standard is to provide a common framework that recognises the competencies required to embed continuous improvement. These areas are shown in the triangle below.

Improve, Deliver, Develop, Connect

There are four grades you can apply for ; Member, Practitioner, CI Leader and Fellow. To qualify, requires the development of a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates you meet our standards of practice. (This is done on-line and there is no time limit)

Download a copy of the professional members standards.

We also have fast track entry for those who have been on an ICiPS Recognised course. A list of these can be found on our training provider page.

There is no time limit, you can develop knowledge in a way that suits you, and evidence is drawn from your daily work. Your portfolio of evidence is completed online.

Have a question? Get in touch using our contact form.

Map to Fellow ICiPS (FICIPS) Map from affiliate to FICIPS Awards

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ICiPS MAT Survey Tool

A FREE and essential tool for any organisation who is serious about continuous improvement.