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The world of C.I. is full of technical jargon. This explains some common words in everyday language. There are numerous web sites that can give more detailed explanations.
Three questions to address in order to correct a problem; Concern, Cause, Countermeasure
Organising your workplace in 5 easy steps, sort, set in order, shine, standardise, sustain
80 percent of your outcomes come from 20 percent of your inputs - see Pareto
One of two values e.g. yes or no, black or white
An approach that translates strategy into performance metrics around finance, customers, process and learning
A measure of how your organisation or process works now
Comparing performance, usually against best in class
a holistic approach to improving workflow, streamlining and aligning all aspects processes with customer requirement
Data that can be grouped into categories
Data that can take any value such as time, height ( see discrete data )
A chart that shows if a process is in control
What an organisation, individual or team does best
What defines the character of the organisation made up of elements including : values, vision, rituals and routines, symbols, structures
What your customer considers to be critical to quality
A standard and framework to support organisations develop high standards of customer service
The period required to complete one cycle of an operation
Plan, do, check, act
Anything that can be measured exactly as a whole number such a the number of people
A non prescriptive model that considers 9 areas of activity with two lenses 1) what enabled a change 2) what were the performance results
Work product that doesn't meet customer need; resulting in additional work
A systematic approach to identifying and measuring the impact of process failure and measuring the improvements that result from mitigating actions
Items are removed or processed in the same order they are received
Going to where value is created e.g. the workplace
Go and look in order to understand the problem
Reflect, look back and learn
Strategic and operational planning organisation wide
A test applied to statistically determine if an outcome happened by chance or not
Short and periodic meetings to disseminate key information and agree action plans
Resource, materials that are under-utilised
A structured way to brainstorm and capture cause and effect, also known as Fishbone due to the shape
Incremental improvements to reduce waste
A short structured problem solving event where the team spends 100% of their time identifying ways to improve the process
A method of pulling work through a system so the downstream process signals the upstream process to replace what has been used
A board that shows on a red card what tasks are to do, by when and how, once complete the card is turned around to green
Understand a problem by asking- what? where? why? when? who?
A defined set of key and business critical values used to understand progress towards strategic objectives (see PI)
The total processing time from order to delivery
Anything that does not add value, in other words waste
Waste due to unevenness or variation
Observe, orient, decide then act
Taking a considered approach to change; plan, do, check, act
A combined bar and line graph to show frequency or occurrence and overall cumulative impact helping to identify the 20% of the process that causes 80% of the problem - see 80/ 20 rule
A board displayed in the workplace and regularly updated to show performance
A quantitative or qualitative measure by which performance levels can be assessed (see KPI)
A system to prevent errors
Descriptive information
Numerical information
A matrix use to plot and rank product and service features to understand what is critical to the customer
Map stakeholders, their level of interest and influence in your work and how you should best manage them
A measure that tells you how much variation there is in your process
Monitoring performance outputs over time to monitor if output is in control
Every stakeholder in your product /service from customer to delivery
The % output that passes through a process step right first time
A tool to define who are responsible, accountable, needs to be consulted or Informed
Team information board
Keeping equipment well maintained to prevent it from failing
A matrix that can be used to identify innovative solutions
Process map that captures information and process flows and performance data
Understanding where you want your organisation to be and the steps you need to take to get there
Display of information so it is visible and understandable at a glance
What the customer wants; the customer could be internal or external
Work that is waiting to be processed
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