ICIPS Institute for Continuous Improvement
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Our leaders always say they want people to practice CI but when it comes to it they always have other priorities. What do you suggest?


1 Answers

"Although a common problem there isn't an easy answer. It may stem from a fundamental lack of understanding about what CI is. CI is simply a continuous drive to meet strategic priorities as efficiently and effectively as possible, what’s not to welcome about that? If leaders aren't supporting CI then maybe they haven't defined and cascaded their priorities well enough.
Are you able to provide a compelling case for change? We see a lot of people invest time and money in change that does not provide a corresponding level of benefit.
Is it a cultural problem? Is CI embedded well enough in work practices so it is the norm?
It isn't an easy question to solve but like most problems, the first question to answer has to be 'Why?'"

Debbie SImpson
ICiPS Expert

21 Aug 2017

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