ICIPS Institute for Continuous Improvement
in Public Services

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Message of support from the Rt Hon Francis Maude MP

The Rt. Hon Francis Maude has reaffirmed support for our work, recognising the value it offers both the public sector and the taxpayer.

At the opening of the Institute in 2012 we were delighted and honoured to welcome the former Minister for Civil Society Nick Hurd, to speak about the value of continuous improvement (CI) and recognise our commitment to embed CI within delivery of public services. Since then the work of ICiPS has consolidated, becoming guardians for standards of CI practice and forming alliances with organisations at the forefront of CI thinking, who can ensure the standard reflects emerging thinking. Our membership has grown to include employees from all areas of the public and voluntary sectors. We are therefore delighted that the Rt. Hon Francis Maude has reaffirmed support for our work, recognising the value it offers both the public sector and the taxpayer. We now need to build on our success by developing a culture of collaboration and learning; with insight freely shared across organisations and were CI becomes the norm.

ICiPS MAT Survey Tool

A FREE and essential tool for any organisation who is serious about continuous improvement.